
Disabling Youtube Comments is against Free Speech

Freedom of speech is one of the most fundamental rights in a democratic society. It allows people to express their opinions, beliefs, and ideas without fear of censorship or retaliation. Freedom of speech also fosters a healthy and vibrant public discourse, where different perspectives can be heard and challenged.

However, in recent years, some online platforms have been restricting or disabling the ability of users to comment on their content. One of the most prominent examples is YouTube, the largest video-sharing website in the world. YouTube has been implementing various policies and features that limit or remove the option for users to leave comments on videos.

For instance, YouTube allows video creators to disable comments on their videos entirely, or to moderate them before they appear publicly. YouTube also automatically hides or deletes comments that it deems to be spam, abusive, hateful, or inappropriate. Moreover, YouTube has been experimenting with hiding the dislike button and the number of dislikes on videos, which can also affect the feedback and engagement of users.

While YouTube claims that these measures are intended to protect users from harassment, bullying, and misinformation, they also have a negative impact on freedom of speech. By disabling or restricting comments, YouTube is silencing the voices of millions of users who want to share their opinions, questions, criticisms, or compliments on the videos they watch. YouTube is also depriving video creators of valuable feedback and interaction with their audience.

Furthermore, by censoring or removing comments that it disagrees with or finds offensive, YouTube is imposing its own subjective standards and biases on what constitutes acceptable speech. YouTube is also creating a chilling effect on free expression, where users may self-censor or avoid commenting altogether for fear of being flagged, reported, or banned.

Therefore, disabling YouTube comments is against freedom of speech. It violates the right of users to communicate freely and openly on a public platform. It also undermines the diversity and quality of public discourse, where different views and opinions can be exchanged and debated. It also harms the video creators who rely on comments to improve their content and grow their audience.

YouTube should respect and protect freedom of speech on its platform. It should allow users to comment on any video they want, without arbitrary or excessive restrictions. It should also allow users to see and react to all comments, without hiding or deleting them based on its own preferences. YouTube should also be transparent and accountable for its policies and actions regarding comments, and provide clear and fair appeals processes for users who are affected by them.

Freedom of speech is essential for a free and democratic society. It is also vital for a thriving and diverse online community. YouTube should not disable or limit comments on its videos. It should enable and encourage comments on its platform. is a browser extension that brings freedom of speech to YouTube by enabling comments on videos where it is disabled. It allows users to share their opinions and engage with other viewers without being restricted by the video creator or YouTube’s policies. is easy to install and use, and it works on any YouTube video that has comments disabled. With, you can enjoy the full YouTube experience and express yourself freely.

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